Channel: Blah Blah Blog
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Kinda wanna go

Making the most of a bad situation

I'm afraid the phrase in the title of this post has been ruined forever by Frothy Mix suggesting that women should just go ahead and keep the babies if they're raped and get pregnant. This morning, I was making the most of a bad situation, and while doing so, I thought of how inane his statement was, even though it was completely unrelated.

So what I was doing was enjoying my time in bed even though I couldn't sleep. Over and over throughout our night of 50+ MPH winds, not only was the wind loud, but something blowing around by our building sounded exactly like someone was trying to dig a grave in gravel. But I didn't really mind being woken up a lot. It just felt so good to lay around and relax in the covers. The last time I got up to pee, I checked the clock and still had nearly an hour before I had to get up at 5:15. I was thinking it'd just be a minute or two, and it was almost an hour! With about 20 minutes to go, I heard Fred howling in the hallway, so I let him in to hang out in bed with me. So nice.

My tweets

  • Tue, 12:07: That thing where someone says something really inane online and you'd like to demand proof but can't take the idea of more comments.
  • Tue, 13:52: Of course I ordered today's TeeFury.
  • Wed, 09:36: Nice shoutout to Dan Savage/Rick Santorum in today's Dinosaur Comics: http://t.co/GwrsN2My

A portrait in shiny paint

Today's lunch

I'm glad this guy ended up on Chopped again so I could do this

Мои твиты


Fred is my work-from-home officemate

Google's pretty smart

Icon origins

Quail eggs are so cute

Twitter Litter

Today's good work

Liz detail


Twitter Litter

  • Fri, 13:22: Why yes I have found an animated gif of a yule log that I can run in a browser window to make my laptop a fireplace.
  • Fri, 15:39: Iceberg lettuce, ranch dressing, cold pickled vegetables.
  • Fri, 15:43: Said this today: Film the videos using the Myspace Angle for chinimization.
  • Fri, 16:05: You'd think it would be cool to get both blank tiles in Words with Friends but it's really not.
  • Fri, 16:13: That was a surprisingly edgy Vlasic commercial. #funeralhumor
  • Fri, 16:39: I normally don't have "I wish I were rich" thoughts unless I see really elaborate cat towers and outdoor play cages for them.
  • Sat, 07:58: Just realized Twitter wasn't all clogged up yesterday with endless Follow Fridays. Nobody ever reads the endless lists so keep it up!
  • Sat, 08:47: Remember when the most clever thing around was the "BE ALERT. THE WORLD NEEDS MORE LERTS" bumper sticker? We've come so far.
  • Sat, 10:26: Finally used the Goldstar membership after all these years. Seeing @FKBjugglers in a week!

Is she hot?

Candy cane shot glass

This week was a slow week for cats

I already have about as many cat pictures in the file after one day for next Saturday as I had for yesterday.
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